
We are located in the Rogersville area of Tennessee and meet every Shabbat at 11AM.

For more information, please contact us. Tracy at (423)300-1389 or Moises at (423)300-2089, info@infobereanechad

The day generally looks like this:
11AM – noon : Praise & Worship
noon – 1PM : Prayers, Petitions & Blessing of the children
1PM – 3PM Bible study led by one of the elders (round table discussion)
3PM – ???? : Oneg (share a meal) and Fellowship

There is no dress code but modesty is generally expected (i.e. no short-shorts/skirts, no low cut shirts).

We eat Biblically clean food, which can be found in Leviticus 11. So no pork, shellfish, etc. A lot of common food products do contain pork in ingredients labeled as mono- and di- glycerides, enzymes, to name a few. It can be highly frustrating to sort through ingredient labels, and takes time to figure out what is actually Biblically clean to eat and what isn’t. We can discuss this more and some of the tricks we have learned to make shopping easier.

If you plan to visit our fellowship, do not worry about bringing a dish to share if you don’t want to be analyzing ingredient labels or looking for a Kosher symbol on the package, if this is not something you are used to doing. If you feel led to bring something, then fruit or vegetables are always enjoyed.

We are located in Rogersville, Tennessee. If you are interested in visiting, please call, text, or email for directions Tracy at (423)300-1389 or Moises at (423)300-2089, (Cell phone service is pretty bad where we live, so if you get voicemail, please leave a message and send us a text message if you can. )