Contact Us/About our Family

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Call/Text us: 423-300-2089 (Moises), 423-300-1389 (Tracy)

I (Moises Grijalva) was raised in Southern California. I met my wife (Tracy) after my military days in San Diego, and in 2015, we made the move out to the country. Taking on a different perspective, we looked outside of the city life we had and looked more to the country. When that happened, a different idea of what we wanted in life started to take hold. This shift in perspective was surely not all from us, for often when you are stuck in one point of view, it can be nearly impossible to see anything else.

Thinking back to our previous mindset, we were both stuck working 40 hours a week and commuting 10-15 hours a week. It never crossed our minds that this lifestyle could be changed for something better. This is where our faith comes in though – for we believe, and know that our perspective change was not from us, but from Yah. We know He had a better plan for us and helped get us to where we are now. While tough times still come, we have time to stop and smell the flowers. We went from the city to the country and have a whole new perspective on life that has allowed us more time to spend together and enjoy the beauty this life has to offer.

We have four young children: Elena (11), Hanna (7), Micah (3), and Liana (1). Besides having a fellowship in Sneedville and in Rogersville, we have this online ministry (Berean Echad Ministries) where we work to publish online video teachings. We also have a small mom-and-pop business ministry called Country Dandelions (, where we make and sell wood art featuring many Messianic/Hebraic themes. We are actively involved in a messianic youth camp – Camp Mashiach (

A little more about us:

Moises achieved a Bachelor’s degree in Biblical and Theological Studies at Regent University. Being led by the Spirit, Moises decided to get his Master’s degree in Biblical Exposition in 2019 and is currently working towards a Ph.D. at Liberty University. As a student, he is able to share his faith with other Ph.D. students and is often given the chance to discuss the Hebraic root of the Christian faith.

Tracy got a master’s degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Illinois. She went on to work as a professional geotechnical engineer for 8 years before making the shift to being a stay at home, homeschool teacher. Her educational background and work experience has allowed her to develop skills in running the behind the scenes work for the fellowship, this website, and the video production. 

Our children are homeschooled and enjoy living on our little mountain where they can be immersed in nature. We have a garden that they help with, from starting seedlings indoors to harvesting the food. They look forward to Shabbat when their extended family in Yah will come over and fellowship together. 

Thank you for visiting our website, and we hope our teachings have blessed you. If you ever have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

This website is run by Moises & Tracy Grijalva. Tracy is responsible for much of the behind the scenes work, while Moises works on the teachings. He is constantly studying and working on new teachings to share to help us all learn and grow together, to become echad. We will never charge for any of these teachings.

We do not receive any financial support from any ministry or fellowship. We are a family of 6, and while we do try to live conservatively, as we all know, life costs money. Any donation you make will help with the expenses of this ministry and our own personal family needs.

We thank you for considering supporting us with this ministry and we will be good stewards to anything that is on your heart to donate.

(We are not a 501c3 organization, so anything donated is not tax deductible.)

Thank you, and may Yah bless you and keep you. Shalom.